L.O.L · Movies

Buried (2010): “Heart breaking storyline..”

Malam minggu lalu, saya, syukma, dan ciput menghabiskan waktu bersama di Ciwalk. Niatnya adalah nonton film Buried yang tayang jam 21.10 malam. Ceritanya kepengen nonton yang bikin deg-degan gitu deeeyhhh kayak The Next Three Days sebelumnya. Hahaha.

Jadi sebelum cabut, saya sempatkan baca sinopsis film ini…. tapi gak tuntas.

Pokoknya kata orang-orang bagus aja hahahaha.

Lalu kami pun bertolak menuju Ciwalk dengan gembira, karena buah batu gak semacet biasanya. Tapi begitu deket-deket Ciwalk sih tetep ya. Dan di mobil si Ciput sempat nanyain ini film apa.

Syukma: kayaknya seru put. Dia terkubur gitu..

Saya: Iya, aku udah baca tadi resensinya. Katanya ada orang yang terkubur gitu cuma dengan bermodalkan senter, handphone, pisau, sama ntah apa lah ya. Terus dia menyelamatkan diri dengan modal itu aja.


Habis makan dan putar-putar, kita pun meluncur ke 21 Ciwalk.

Hahaha tapi bioskopnya agak kurang mendukung. Gimana ya. Habisnya di samping si Ciput ada yang nonton pake selimut gituuu. Jadinya mau ketawa aja huahuauahua. Belum lagi hal-hal absurd lainnya yang terjadi.

Dan ternyata filmnya lama. Lama kaaaliiii looh. Apa karena settingnya di situ-situ aja ya. Huahauahaua.

Tapi film ini sempat juga sih mengocok emosi saya.

Ikut sedih, kesal, marah, dan sesak ngeliat dia terperangkap di ruangan yang super sempit kayak gitu. Huffffff.

Menuju ending, sedikit ada secercah cahaya yang agak menggembirakan.

Sedikit ada harapan bahwa ia akan diselamatkan.


Akan tetapi


harapan tinggal harapan.



Semuanya menciut dan lemes begitu film habis.

Ciput: Siapa yang bilang dia selamat? Manaaa??

Saya: Hahahha aku put.. Aku gak baca sampe habis resensinya :))


Beginilah nasib kalo nonton film twisted. Eh masuk kategori itu gak ya? Hahaha.



Kesan dan Pesan (IMO) :

Jangan nonton di bioskop. Mending di rumah sambil tiduran. Syukur-syukur jadi tidur betulan.

Bukan film yang asyik untuk ditonton rame-rame apalagi sama geng hore hauhauhau.

Jangan berharap banyak. Huhuhu.

Siapkan mental anda.


Haha. Sebenarnya filmnya bagus, tapi buat saya ini bukan tipikal film yang akan saya tonton berkali-kali :p

Hehe. Dan pesan terakhir:

Bacalah resensi film sampe tuntas. Jangan sotoy ngarep-ngarepin ending sendiri huahauahau.



Btw entah kenapa, selalu setiap nonton di Ciwalk saya ngerasa ketipu berasa salah pilih film. Dulu Crank: High Voltage (2009), lalu Piranha (2010) , kemudian ini. Fu fu fu. Si Piranha tapi kocak. Apalagi endingnya 😀


Daily · Iseng · Wishlist



2. Belajar jahit

3. Belajar bahasa asing selain Bahasa Inggris (maunya Cina)

4. Main ke daerah-daerah sekitar Jawa Barat yang belum sempat terjamah, seperti:

Banten, Garut, Kampung Naga, Badui Dalam, dll

5. Nyamperin Retno di Jogja dan bermain sepuasnya

6. Punya usaha (masih mikir apaan yg betul-betul terkonsep)

7. Nulis lagi, bikin cerpen lagi, bikin novel lagi, apa aja biar produktif

8. Membukukan resep masakan mama dan belajar masak sama beliau

9. Langganan majalah Trubus

10. Belajar bawa kendaraan :p

11. Belajar renang

12. Ngedekor rumah

13. Belajar Sejarah dan mau niat bikin timeline sejarah dunia yang rapi (ajak si Azam)

14. Belajar tafsir Al Qur’an dan hadits

15. Last but not least, cari kerjaan secara random.



Semoga semuanya bisa terlaksana!





Selamat Hari Ibu, Mama :)

“Virtue and Happiness are Mother and Daughter.”-

-Benjamin Franklin


Selamat hari ibu untuk seluruh perempuan Indonesia, baik yang sudah menjadi ibu maupun akan menjadi ibu kelak. Hehehe.


I know. Everyday is mother’s day.

Tapi gak salah juga kan bikin hari ini jadi lebih spesial aja dari biasanya?

Kerena kalo saya kelak jadi seorang ibu, dan di tanggal 22 Desember dikasi ucapan Selamat Hari Ibu, rasanya tentu akan berbeda dibandingkan hari-hari biasa.

Pagi ini, saya layangkan satu SMS buat mama.

Setelah sebelumnya via twitter. Meskipun Mama saya gak punya twitter, tapi gak papa juga kaliii ngucapin Selamat Hari Ibu buat siapa aja yang baca :p

Letting everybody knows that you really love your mother, I think it’s not a crime.

It’s sweet. Gak tiap hari juga kan orang-orang ngetwit sesuatu yang manis gitu tentang ibunya?

Bahkan teman-teman saya yang laki dan biasa ngetwit tentang bola, protes sana sini, untuk hari ini bicara tentang ibunya.


Jadi beginilah SMS saya tadi pagi:

“Assalamu’alaikum wr wb. Halo ma.. Selamat Hari Ibu ya ma.. We love you so much. Hehehe…”

Dan balasan Mama:

“Trimakasih anakku sayang, cnt mama tak prnh habis smpi maut memisahkan kita!”

W O W :’)

Haha kita ngalahin Romeo Juliet kayaknya, Ma?

I love you, Ma. I really mean it.




Cool Site!

Gara-gara tadi saya iseng searching horoscope, eh malah nyasar ke berbagai situs tentang benda-benda langit dan fenomena alam ahhaaha.

Ini salah satu situs yang oke:


Liat gambar yang saya temukan…

Subhanallah. Keren sekali bukan?????? Hehehe.

Mulai dari gambar komet, aurora, constellation, banyak ragamnya deh.

Selamat main-main! Enjoy!



Leo Constellation

Gambar dari http://www.zodiac-signs.org


The Lion is considered the king of the jungle, and likewise you Leos have an air of royalty about you. Some Leos even have hair resembling the thick mane of the Lion. But Lions are more than roar, for they are truly magnificent beasts. The Lioness proudly cares for the young, hunts and takes care of survival with relentless intent and ferocity, when needed. And proud are you Leo! Perhaps that’s why Leo often chooses work that puts you in the center of stage or in the spotlight of appreciation.

Leo are warm of spirit, eager for action and are driven by a desire to be loved for what you bring to others. Leo are a magnanimous leader and a faithful servant. Once scorned in love, however, Leo will withdraw your affections and the light, once brilliant, can go cold.

Leo motto might be “What you see is what you get.” You tend to live your live straightforwardly and with a flair for drama. In fact, many Leos are attracted to the theater, the performing arts and public relations, for you truly understand the importance of putting on a good presentation. As you blaze gloriously through your life, remember to take time to acknowledge the feelings of those around you. If you forget, you could unconsciously hurt someone you love. But, if you remain aware your impact, others can benefit from your presence.

Element: Fire

Fire signs are naturally warm. A fire gives light and heat, but it doesn’t get depleted as others feed on its warmth. One candle can bring light to a room and it won’t burn any faster if ten people read from its light than if there was only one. Fire doesn’t plan it next move; it isn’t logical. It simply is in the moment and will burn what fuel is available without judgment or forethought. For this reason fire signs can successfully rely on their intuition and survival instincts.

The fire of Leo is brilliant and intense. It’s like the summer Sun that relentlessly shows up every day and whose heat continues to build over a period of time.

Fifth House: Children

The Fifth House is directly related to children, but it is also associated with any type of childlike activity. Even grown-ups need to play and this is a function of the Fifth House. In fact, all self-expression and creativity comes from this sector. Additionally, this is the House of Romantic Love. Truly, the Fifth House could be called the House of Enjoyment.

Key Planet: Sun

The Sun is the undisputed King of our little planetary system. He is always in the center. Without his light, there would be no life here on earth. Although the Sun is 93 million miles distant, its warmth is the basis for all energy on Earth. Astrologically, the Sun represents our will. It’s like the fuel that fires each of our individual furnaces and gives us cause to live. As the key planet of Leo, the Sun is the symbol of the self and from it stems all individuality and creativity.

Your Biggest Strength: Your playful and loving nature

Your Potential Weakness: Need for approval can become too important


Sumber: http://horoscopes.mydaily.com

Just for fun! 🙂

Daily · Flashback · Opinion


Habis mampir ke FB seorang guru favorit saat masih SMA, yaitu Pak Hamdi. Guru Fisika saya selama tiga tahun berturut-turut plus ikut les juga sama beliau. Dan status FB beliau lumayan bikin JLEB.

Hamdi Dt: Ujiaaaan…Aku tak pernah khawatir tentang hasil yg akan kamu dapatkan. Aku hanya khawatir tentang bagaimana kamu mendapatkan hasil tersebut…


Semoga bisa jadi renungan bersama.

Daily · Iseng · Wishlist

Singa Bencong :p

Baru ingat.

Tadi malam sebelum tidur, saya sempat berandai-andai. Mengkhayal.

Tiba-tiba saya pengen pelihara singa. Seperti Christian The Lion gitu deh. Tapi versi bencongnya.

Gak usah yang macho-macho. Soalnya kalo yang macho udah ada, pacar huekekek.


"Hey, Jeeenggg..."
"Gosip lagii???"
"Iiih akika lagi gak mood ngerumpi nih.. Malesss.."
"Mending nyalon aja yuuu.. Meni pedi sekalian potong poni.."

Dengan begitu, akyu bisa bepergian kemanapun bersama singa bencongku hihihi.

Ke salon, belanja, ngerumpi, gosip, terus curhat-curhatan gitu deh ntar akyunya sambil nyender gitu di rambutnya yang sangat tebal. Kalo lagi iseng, ntar aku kepang sekalian juga boleh.


Kayaknya seru dan mengasyikkan deh:p

*Semua gambar hasil googling 🙂

Daily · Movies · Tragedy

My Saturday Night

Melewatkan malam minggu bersama partner in crime: SYUKMA.

Menonton film ini di BSM.

Gambar dari IMDb

Lagi gak semangat bikin resensi. Haha. Dari IMDb lagi aja ya ;p


Lara Brennan is arrested for murdering her boss whom she had an argument with. It seems she was seen leaving the scene of the crime and her fingerprints were on the murder weapon. Her husband, John would spend the next few years trying to get her released but there’s no evidence that negates the evidence against her. And when the strain of being separated from her family especially her son gets to her, John decides to break her out. So he does a lot of research to find a way.

Kesan dan Pesan:



S E D I H (Ada bagian dramanya sedikit)

K E S A L (Pas ada adegan anjing nyalak-nyalak ngejar gitu)

T A K J U B (Semacam heran gitu sih sama segala kebetulan-kebetulannya)

L E B A Y (Pas liat si isteri yang selamat pas nyoba bunuh diri buka pintu dari mobil yg lagi ngebut)


PESAN: Film ini cukup lama durasinya (kayaknya sih haha), terus setiap scene-nya bisa dibilang peting. Sayang kalo kelewat.

Jadi sebaiknya, sebelum nonton mendingan buang air dulu biar gak kebelet pas lagi asik.

Tapi keseluruhannya oke beratttt.

Endingnya ASYIK.

Gak nyesal udah ketar-ketir duluan haha.


BTW udah lama banget ternyata gak main ke Mall. Terakhir ke BSM aja kayaknya pas mama di sini deh, awal bulan November lalu.

Apalagi nonton di bioskop ya. Kayaknya udah seabad haha.


Siap-siap lagi ketemu tubes, TA, UAS, etc etc etc.

Fu fu fu.




Listen · Movies

Lagi Suka Ini :)


Alexi Murdoch – All My Days

(Ost. Away We Go)


Well I have been searching all of my days
All of my days
Many a road, you know
I’ve been walking on
All of my days
And I’ve been trying to find
What’s been in my mind
As the days keep turning into night

Well I have been quietly standing in the shade
All of my days
Watch the sky breaking on the promise that we made
All of this rain
And I’ve been trying to find
What’s been in my mind
As the days keep turning into night

Well many a night I found myself with no friends standing near
All of my days
I cried aloud
I shook my hands
What am I doing here
All of these days
For I look around me
And my eyes confound me
And it’s just too bright
As the days keep turning into night

Now I see clearly
It’s you I’m looking for
All of my days
Soon I’ll smile
I know I’ll feel this loneliness no more
All of my days
For I look around me
And it seems He found me
And it’s coming into sight
As the days keep turning into night
As the days keep turning into night
And even breathing feels all right
Yes, even breathing feels all right
Now even breathing feels all right
It’s even breathing
Feels all right





Before Sunset (1995) and Before Sunrise (2004)


Gambar dari Google

Before Sunrise (1995) dan Before Sunset (2004), film yang betul-betul membekas buat saya haha.

Terima kasih buat Ultra Disc deket sini yang di awal-awal tahun masa kuliah punya jasa minjemin film 🙂

Kedua film ini, bisa bikin orang-orang yang menyukai film berefek oke, cerita yang bombastis, akan mati kebosanan haha. Soalnya, keduanya ini sebagian besar isinya ya cuma adegan ngobrol antara Jesse (Ethan Hawke) dan Celine (Julie Delpy).

Sementara saya, dibikin cinta mati. Haha.

Di film pertama, Before Sunrise, diceritakan bagaimana dua orang yang sama-sama baru kenal di kereta, bisa nyambung, terus jatuh cinta. Mereka menghabiskan waktu semalaman di Vienna. Bercerita. Ngobrol. Ngebahas hal-hal yang ringan, tapi dalem.

Sayang sekali mereka gak sempat tukeran alamat atau nomor telpon.

Sedangkan di sekuelnya, Before Sunset, diceritakan gimana mereka ketemu lagi, di Perancis. Jesse udanh jadi penulis terkenal gitu deh ceritanya, dan Celine juga udah baca bukunya. Buku yang mengisahkan tentang masa-masa mereka di Vienna dulu. Kemudian mereka bertemu. Dan lagi-lagi mereka bercerita. Hahaha.

Tapi beneran. Apa yang mereka ceritakan, mereka obrolin, mereka bahas, semuanya menarik. Nyentil.

Gak sembarang conversation gitu.

Dan di kedua film ini saya punya adegan favorit yang sering saya ulang-ulang kalo lagi nonton.

Before Sunrise (1995)

Before Sunset (2004)

Duh suka sama apartemen si Celine 🙂

Hehehe. Pengen posting quotesnya juga. Tapi bingung milih yang mana.

Soalnya, seperti yang udah saya kasi tau di atas, terlalu banyak dialog-dialog yang oke.

You know what drives me crazy? It’s all these people talking about how great technology is, and how it saves all this time. But, what good is saved time, if nobody uses it? If it just turns into more busy work. You never hear somebody say, “With the time I’ve saved by using my word processor, I’m gonna go to a Zen monastery and hang out”. I mean, you never hear that.-Jesse, Before Sunrise.


I always feel this pressure of being a strong and independent icon of womanhood, and without making it look my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. We always make fun of it and stuff. But isn’t everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?-Celine, Before Sunrise


You know what drives me crazy? It’s all these people talking about how great technology is, and how it saves all this time. But, what good is saved time, if nobody uses it? If it just turns into more busy work. You never hear somebody say, “With the time I’ve saved by using my word processor, I’m gonna go to a Zen monastery and hang out”. I mean, you never hear that.-Jesse, Before Sunrise


Life’s hard. It’s supposed to be. If we didn’t suffer, we’d never learn anything.-Jesse, Before Sunset


Memory is a wonderful thing if you don’t have to deal with the past.-Celine, Before Sunset



Banyak kan? Haha.

I told u.