

Fünf Gemüse

Movie posters are supposed to be a reflect about what the movie is it about. However, their goal is also to attract spectators, so sometimes graphic designers just go a bit too far on the conception of those posters. It would be nice if those pictures actually told us the truth so we can judge by ourselves if we would like to spend money on watching those films.

British magazine The Shiznit has done us this favour and has created a collection of 15 posters of what posters should really tell, in a preview of this year’s Oscars. Finally I know which films I want to see and which ones I am going to avoid for sure, even if they have a pretty design !

Found via Pigscuit 🙂

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Daily · L.O.L · Repost


Me – “Man, I’m bummed.”

Him – “Why?”

Me – “Everyone I know is getting married.”

Him – “It could be worse. Everyone I know is dying.”

via 10 Things Nobody Warned Me about my Twenties | Doctor Quack.



… seriously?

“For decades movies like Terminator have been teasing us with glimpses of a future where augmented reality is ubiquitous. (Augmented reality, or AR, is when simulated imagery is superimposed over physical surroundings – like when the cyborg assassin sees a human, and the words “non-combatant” appear over the guy, so said cyborg knows not to toast him.) Various smartphones have started offering clunky AR apps that show you things like restaurant reviews when you point your camera at a store’s facade. But with all the crazy technology already on today’s market, we’re saying that’s not enough!

The following are 6 awesome AR gadgets we think need to come out ASAP: “

via 6 Augmented Reality Gadgets We Want NOW | The Scordit Blog.


College · Daily · Flashback · THRESHOLD · Wishlist

Setahun Sarjana

Gak kerasa udah setahun jadi sarjana.


Masih banyak yang pengen dicapai. Masih banyak yang ingin dituju. Masih banyak yang ingin dikejar.

Dan kayaknya belum benar-benar berkontribusi bagi masyarakat dan negara.

Negaraku, sabar ya 🙂
Aku mulai dari yang kecil dulu. Belum bisa jadi solusi sepenuhnya. Mungkin malah beban. Dan suka misuh-misuh mengutuk keadaan kalau baca headline media massa. Hari ini aja aku udah mengeluhkan pajak. Maaf ya.

Tapi aku berusaha kok.
Soalnya aku sayang sama kamu, Negaraku.
Aku mencintaimu, apa adanya (meminjam kalimat Ahmad Yunus).

Mudah-mudahan bisa disegerakan semuanya.

Handworks · Inspiration · Opinion · Reads

Mark Boyle, The Moneyless Man

Di postingan saya sekitar dua tahun lalu, pernah ada sedikit ulasan tentang Mark Boyle. Ok, cuma sekedar ngutip dan kasi link sih haha.

Setelah saya pikirkan, semua akar permasalahan adalah uang. Uang yang menyebabkan terputusnya hubungan kita dan langkah kita. Setelah itu, saya memutuskan bereksperimen hidup tanpa uang,” -Mark Boyle

Dan kemaren saya… menemukan… bukunya!

Ya, dia nulis buku ternyata! Tentang gaya hidupnya yang tanpa uang itu! Wow!

Langsung aja saya beli itu bukunya :p

Membaca latar belakang dia melakukan gebrakan gaya hidup kayak gini, tambah suntikan baca blognya pohonbodhi, semakin jelas aja betapa materialistisnya kehidupan yang kita jalani saat ini. Yeah, we live in the material world. Kadang kita gak sadar udah dikendalikan sama superbigboss bernama uang.

Kalo kata si Mark Boyle, uang itu sedikit mirip cinta. Kita menghabiskan seluruh hidup kita untuk mengejarnya, tetapi tidak banyak yang memahami apa yang sebenarnya kita kejar.

Hehe. belum beres saya baca buku ini. Baru baca dikit. Tapi asli, ini buku bener-bener layak beli. Kita jadi bisa liat dunia dari sudut pandang yang agak sedikit berbeda. Diajak untuk lebih menghargai apa yang ada dan juga berhemat. Diajak untuk berbagi dan menebarkan kebaikan.

Pada akhirnya, semua konsep yang dipaparkan Mark Boyle ini, entah kenapa, bagaikan mengingatkan saya ke jalan Islam. Riba, sedekah, memberikan kebaikan, dilarang berlebihan dan serakah, dan lainnya. Udah diatur semuanya dalam Islam. Ah, bener-benerlah ketika manusia udah diingatkan untuk tidak begini dan harus begitu oleh Allah melalui nabi dan RasulNya, tertulis juga di kitabNya, manusia yang belum paham apa-apa mendingan jalanin aja dululah. Gak usah bawel dan bandel. Liat aja ntar lama-lama, insyaAllah baru kerasa manfaatnya. 🙂


Arizona lawmaker wants Photoshopped ads to have disclaimer | ksdk.com

St. Louis (KSDK) – What if magazine ads and swimsuit photo shoots had to come with the words, “Photoshopped” on them? Do you think it would help improve the way teens and adolescents dealt with body image issues? A lawmaker in Arizona does. She has introduced a bill that would require just that, the goal, to bring awareness to body issues and help young women, and men have healthier self images.

If this bill passes, any image that is Photoshopped or airbrushed would have to have a disclaimer at the bottom that would say “postproduction techniques were made to alter the appearance in this advertisement. When using this product, similar results may not be achieved.”

via Arizona lawmaker wants Photoshopped ads to have disclaimer | ksdk.com.



Inspiration · Iseng · Reads



Just found this word from the Flashcard app.
Go search on Google to know what it means.

L0VE · Reads · Repost

Social Media Marriage Proposals: 10 Clever Ways to Pop the Question

Social Media Marriage Proposals: 10 Clever Ways to Pop the Question.

Sweet :”>


What I Really Do: The Best Examples of the Job-Themed Meme

What I Really Do: The Best Examples of the Job-Themed Meme.


Daily · Handworks · L0VE

Happy Bday!


Selamat ulang tahun Rayhan dan Husein! Semoga senantiasa berada di jalur Islam, diberikan kebahagiaan, dilimpahi kasih sayang, berkah, dan hidayahNya 🙂

I love you. Both of you. ♥